PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach Membership
Please consider joining our group. You membership dues helps us provide the services that we provide for the community as well as for the purchase of pamphlets and other literature.
Membership dues are $30.00 for an individual (National Dues: $15; Local Dues: $15) or $35.00 for a household annually
Please include your name, address, cellphone, and email information with your check payable to: “PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach” and mail to: Sharyn Warwick; PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach; 20198 Doddtown Rd; Harbeson, DE 19951.
Please note that membership is not required to be a part of our group or to attend to our meetings.
PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach Donations
Please include your name, address, cellphone, and email information with your check payable to: “PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach” and mail to: Sharyn Warwick; PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach; 20198 Doddtown Rd; Harbeson, DE 19951.
PFLAG National and PFLAG- Rehoboth Beach are tax-exempt non-profit 501(C)(3) organizations and are not affiliated with any political or religious institutions. All donations are tax deductible.
You can also contact us at if you wish to become a member or if you wish to make a donation.